Thursday, January 27, 2011

Artificial Rock Making Exercise

What's new today... Well, I'm having a go at making artificial rocks... Yes rocks, for landscaping etc around the pool or garden. I got the idea from a good friend from Darwin, I got some instructional DVDs off the net and have the first one in progress, see photo's.

This is my first attempt to make an artificial rock (future rock) on the left is the wire frame and the one on the right is with the first coat almost finished. It's a bit time consuming but fun also, as you don't really know what it's going to turn out like. I'm going to try a mailbox type one soon. Artificial rocks are expensive to buy but no where as near as expensive as the real thing.

Who knows it might become a little side line for me to do from home... Any orders??? Not really, I need to practice the art for a while before I try and sell them. probably do up a example booklet first. Keeps me occupied anyway. Watch this space. Ricko

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Australia Day 2011

G'Day to you all, I hope you all have a great Australia Day.
Strewth, I've gotta go to work early today, should be home by 1500 hr.
We're going to have a BBQ later and I'm gunna make some Tea and Damper.
seesyuslater... Rick

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday 23 Jan 2011

What's new today...

Well not much has happened since my last post, I can't believe January is nearly over already, where is the year going? Replacing the pool fence at home so will put up some updated photos shortly. Family is all well and I hope all is well with you.
I will give another update very soon. Take care and bye for now.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Where are they now

I found an old family photo of my mother with some of her sisters and other children in Portsmouth, England 1946. My mother is standing directly in front of my Grandmother and the poster on the wall behind them about foot and mouth disease reminds us all of the grim times they had around WW2. Just thought I'd share it with you. My mother and her sisters are all still alive today, although my Grandmother passed away some time ago now.